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Live Stream Schedule

Hey everyone, due to two busy weekends coming up, I won't be streaming this coming weekend or the next as I'm going away to see my family and also having family come down to see me. I was planning on streaming today, but I figured it would be a better idea to organise a small schedule instead and let people know the state of things. SO I'm going to go ahead and stream on Wednesday and Thursday after work, hopefully getting Morskom further in shape for a potential upcoming BETA.

After that, I can't promise another stream for a couple of weeks as next week sees me stuck in work until later all week. I've also done a lot of streaming and modding of late so this will give me a much needed short rest so I can come back fresh. I look forward to seeing any of you in the upcoming streams and cannot wait to share more on Morskom Estate and A Cat's Life soon. UPCOMING EVENTS

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