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Live Stream Schedule

I'm finally getting back into live streaming on a regular basis but I'll be cutting down a little on both live streaming and modding Skyrim. The reason being is that I've been a little burnt out on the modding scene and Skyrim doesn't have the active community that it once had.

With that said, I do wish to continue to mod Skyrim for a while prior to the release of what will hopefully be another hit Elder Scrolls title from Bethesda, assuming we'll have similar modding tools available to the community for whatever their next Elder Scrolls might be.

My plan is to not only continue with my two remaining mod projects A Cat's Life and Oars Rest but to branch out into a territory many have been doing for some time; let's play content. I'm not planning on becoming the next Gopher, I just want to finally play the game I've been modding for the past 8+ years and enjoy some of the rest of the great content the community has created over the years.

This keeps my Twitch channel relevant to Skyrim and also keeps things a little fresh for me. I'll be doing one live stream midweek every Wednesday at 17:00 BST which will involve modding Skyrim and then one stream every Saturday at 16:00 BST doing my own little casual let's play of Skyrim.

This weekend on Saturday will see me returning to live streaming on a regular basis with a test stream for Skyrim to see how my recent computer upgrade to SSD storage performs during live streaming gameplay. All going well, the schedule will begin next week.

So please let me know your thoughts and I look forward to seeing you in the streams!



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